Road Trip Comfort

Road Trip Comfort

Beyond taking frequent short stops to stretch your legs, what things do you do on a long drive to stay comfortable and minimize stiffness? Long drives are often a challenge for people who experience back pain, sciatica, neck soreness, shoulder strain, etc. Some small...

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AM vs PM? When should I do my exercise?

AM vs PM? When should I do my exercise?

Should I exercise in the morning or evening?Like most things, the answer is…it depends! There are many factors to consider but these things may help you decide what is best for you. What is actually realistic for you? Consistency is the most important predictor of...

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5 “Easy” Strength Exercises to try today!

Perhaps that should say simple!  No equipment required.  For some these will be easy, for others they may present a challenge.  While there is no such thing as “one size fits all” exercise, these are safe for most people if you are injury free.  Use good judgment! ...

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Something to Explore with your Big Toe

For the big toe, degenerative change typically means stiffness or deformity like thickening or a change in alignment.  This is important in terms of your walking pattern.  Maintaining good motion at the big toe is important for balance and walking, as well as avoiding...

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Prehabilitation – Maximizing your surgical recovery!

Prehabilitation – Maximizing your surgical recovery!

Gearing up for surgery can be a big and daunting step in your health care journey, but you don't have to do it alone. We are sure you have heard of REhabilitation, but you may not have come across PREhabilitation. Prehabilitation is an equally crucial part of recovery...

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So you waited for what felt like forever to have your surgery…now onto the hard work of recovering your movement, strength, and function.  You finally get to use your knee properly again! Frequently patients experience a lot of strength loss and deconditioning while...

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So you waited for what felt like forever to have your surgery…now onto the hard work of recovering your movement, strength, and function. You finally get to use your hip properly again! Frequently patients experience a lot of strength loss and deconditioning while...

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Sports Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy

Lynsie Fleming is our resident Sports physiotherapist! While all of our physios have experience in treating athletes, Lynsie has dedicated herself to on field physio work in addition to her clinical work. Lynsie has traveled the world as a physio to support Canadian...

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Vestibular Therapy

Vestibular Therapy

BPPV is very treatable! The vestibular system provides information to your brain about the movement and position of your head. The vestibular system is located on both sides of the head, in the inner ear, and is considered the 'balance center' of the body. Vestibular...

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Road Trip Bladder Tips

Road Trip Bladder Tips

Planning on sneaking away to enjoy the last couple weeks of summer?   If you've got a long road trip ahead, try out these bladder tips! 1. Decrease the amount of bladder irritants you consume! Try to cut out sodas, coffee, and artificial sweeteners when you are...

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